Archives for posts with tag: activity book


Well it looks like things are coming to an end.
Hope you enjoyed the ride!




Some aliens chase butterflies and flowers with their long, sticky tongues…


Other, bottle-lid, aliens like their fruit. Chomp chomp chomp…



Alien_15 Alien_16

… and some aliens like the puppet-clad fingers of little boys!


One fiery square in space,
two circle aliens hiding in the dark,
three cross Martians chasing cotton reels.

Open up and say Grrrrrrr…

Alien_10Alien_13 2


Some aliens live in the air, among the stars and the rain clouds.


Some live in the water…


… and some live in the forest. Woodland aliens, take me to your queen.


Well, it has been a long time between posts.

I have had my hands full renovating at home, having a baby and moving my studio. The studio space is finally ready to go and I, miraculously, have time to poke my head above the water!

Over the past year I have turned my sewing machine into an artist’s tool and made an activity book for the newest family member. While teetering on the edge of useful and ‘crafty’ I, none the less, thought I’d post some photos of how it turned out.

Like an old fashioned radio play perhaps installments are best?? A quick overview (see below) and then a chapter at a time?? Chapters you ask… for an activity book… well ok the narrative is loose, there is little, if any,  character development and I can’t be sure if good transcends over evil…

but see what you think.

Alien_01Alien_02Driving on a lonely highway in the desert, one looks up and notices some unusual, coloured planets hovering in the sky. What strange creatures might inhabit these other worlds…


… to be continued…